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Marc Katz MD

Advice for medical trainees, cardiology, & everything in between

Applying for Internal Medicine Residency by the Numbers


Interview seasons is stressful and expensive. I hope that with this info-graphic that medical students will be able to have a rough estimate of how much it costs to apply to residency and where they can save some money. Additionally, the timing of my interview invitations and rejections give a rough timeline of when fourth year medical students should be hearing from programs or conversely when they should be freaking out because of a lack of interviews. Enjoy!

Infographic Final_corrected



  1. Do you happen to still have your list of programs you applied to- which nvited you for an interview and which ghosted you? It may save some of us a lot of money. Thank you for everything!

  2. Thank you for posting all these great information! If you don’t mind me asking, what were your step scores?

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